Upendo-project VZW kinderen helpen in Tanzania


If you have any questions we will be happy to help. If you as a school, company or together with your friends are interested in getting involved in our project as well, we will be happy to help you. 

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Upendo-project VZW kinderen helpen in Tanzania

Upendo-project VZW

Straat 10

3290 Diest


KBO: 0771.697.455

ING: BE77 3631 3605 2442


Email: info@upendo-project.com

D.J.G. de Laat: +31 (0) 6 48 7717 48

D.M. Vitor Mambo: +32 (0) 495 181 79

R.G. Malewo: +255 763 203 136

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